CPE Syllbus

CPE Syllbus,CPE Syllbus,msbste v.,CPE Syllbus ,v ,CPE Syllbus

 Suggested contents of the Project report Title page (with name of team members and mentor teacher) Certificate (in the Format given in this document as annexure A ) Acknowledgements (this may need revision at the end of the final semester) Abstract (in one paragraph not more than 150 words) Content Page Chapters 

Chapter-1 Introduction (background of the Industry or User based Problem/Task) Chapter-2 Literature Survey (to finalise and define the Problem Statement) 

Chapter-3 Scope of the project 

Chapter-4 Methodology 

Chapter-5 Details of designs, working and processes 

Chapter-6 Results and Applications 

Chapter-7 Conclusions And future scope Appendix (if any) References and Bibliography 


The report should contain as many diagrams, figures and charts etc as relevant for the project. Originality of the report (written in own words) would be given more importance rather than quality of printing and use of glossy paper or multi-colour printing

I am Vishal Chavare , I'm a coder, animater. I'm extremely fond of anything related to education, animation & coding. I aim to reach my creative goals one step at a time I believe everyth…

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