Software Testing Important Question MSBTE 22518

Software Testing Important Question MSBTE 22318 ,Software Testing Important Question MSBTE 22318 ,Software Testing Important Question MSBTE 22318 ,Sof


Software Testing Important Question MSBTE 22318 

Q.1) Attempt any FIVE of the following. 10 Marks 

a) Define software Quality Assurance and software Quality Control.

 b) State any two example of Security testing.

c) Enlist any four the benefits of Test Plan. 

d) State any four basic principles of writing good test cases.

 e) Enlist different types of defect classification. 

f) Write any four limitations of Manual Testing.

 g) Define following terms-Failure, Error, Defect and Bug. 

Q.2) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks

 a) Describe the roles and responsibilities of a Test Leader.

 b) Differentiate between Drivers and Stub (any four points). 

c) Describe different types of attributes of a Test Plan. 

d) State the Advantages and Disadvantages of using testing tools. 

Q.3) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks 

a) State process of Black box testing with labeled diagram? List any four techniques of black box testing. 

 b) Describe the Test Case Specification and list its parameters.

 c) Draw Defect Management Process. State the working of each phase. 22518 2 

d) State any four points of comparison between Static analysis tools and Dynamic analysis tools

Q.4) Attempt any THREE of the following. 12 Marks 

a) Describe the Integration Testing. 

b) State the testing approaches that are considered during Client- Server Testing. 

c) Explain the Test Management with Test Infrastructure management and Test People Management. 

d) Enlist and describe criteria for Selecting Testing Tools with its description. 

e) Explain following concepts related to Web Application : (1) Load testing (2) Stress testing. 

Q.5) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks 

a) Design test cases for the data filed from Admission form of your institute (Data filed are Name, SSC percentage, Adhar no, Address, mobile no) 

b) With respect to GUI testing write the test cases for Amazon login form. 

 c) Elaborate the concept of Software Metrics? Describe Product and Process metrics with suitable example.

 Q.6) Attempt any TWO of the following. 12 Marks

 a) Design test cases for MSBTE Online Exam form filling.(any valid six test cases) 

b) Prepare a Test Plan along with the Test Cases for the MS Word option ‘Save As’. Test Cases should be at least six. 

c) Design any three test cases for railway reservation form and prepare defect report of it. 

Software Testing Important Question MSBTE 22318 

 Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks 

a) List the objectives of software testing. 

 b) Design any four boundary value test cases for textbox which accept numbers from 1- 999. 

c) Define Static testing and Dynamic testing. 

 d) Describe the need of stub and driver in Unit testing? 

 e) Define Load testing and Stress testing. 

 f) Define Unit Testing? 

 Q.2 Attempt any THREE. 12 Marks 

a) Differentiate between Verification and Validation. 

b) Apply equivalence partitioning on application which display result on basis of percentage obtained in exam. 

 c) Explain Top Down integration testing. 

 d) With respect to GUI testing, write any four test cases for Flipchart login form. 

e) Explain need of Regression Testing. 

Software Testing Important Question MSBTE 22318 

 Q.1 Attempt any FOUR. 08 Marks

 a) Define Test Plan? 

 b) List basic steps of Fundamental test Process. 

 c) Enlist different types of defect classification. 

d) State five general activities of defect prevention. 

e) List the benefits of automation testing. 

 f) Define software matrix and measurement. 

 Q.2 Attempt any THREE. 12 Marks 

a) Prepare test plan along with test cases for notepad option copy-paste. 

b) Design any four Test cases for User Login Form.

 c) Design any two test cases for simple calculator application and prepare defect report. 

d) Differentiate between manual testing & automation testing. 

 e) Enlist factors considered for selecting a testing tool for test automation.

I am Vishal Chavare , I'm a coder, animater. I'm extremely fond of anything related to education, animation & coding. I aim to reach my creative goals one step at a time I believe everyth…

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