Viva questions on advanced java

Viva questions on advanced java , Viva questions on advanced java , Viva questions on advanced java ,Viva questions on advanced java , Viva questions,
 • Viva questions on advanced java • 
1)Draw component class hierarchy in java . 
• 2)Full form of AWT.
 • 3)What is the method of component ,container ,window ,panel ,frame ,canvas.
 • 4)What are the constructor of frame class? 
• 5)AWT controls what are those. 
• 6)How to create button give one line syntax.
 • 7)How to create label give one line syntax
 • 8)How to create checkbox give one line syntax. •
 9)What are methods and constructor of button class. •
 10) What are methods and constructor of label. •
 11) What are methods and constructor of checkbox.
 • 12) What are methods and constructor of choice.
 • 13) What are methods and constructor of scrollbar.
 • 14) What are methods and constructor of text field.
 • 15) What are methods and constructor of text area. 
• 16) What is panel how to create give one line syntax of panel
. • 17) What are layout managers. 
• 18) Which method is used to set layout messenger.
 • 19) Which method is used to set constructor. 
• 20) Which method is used to set flow layout. 
• 21) Which method is used to set grid layout. 
• 22) Which method is used to set card layout. 
• 23) How to create gridbaglayout give a small example 
• 24) Constructor and method of menu box , menu item class.
 • 25) What is set enable method use of set enable method .
 • 26) Constructor and method of checkbox and menu item. 
• 27) How to create dialogue box give one line syntax.
 • 28) Method and constructor of dialogue box and file dialogue .
 • 29) How will you set font give one line syntax.
 • 30) Life cycle of applet. 
• 31) Difference between checkbox and radio button. 
• 32) Difference between list and choice control .
 • 33) Name of default layout for different container. 
• 34) List the name of border layout regions.
 • 35) Write the default horizontal and vertical gap in flowchart.
 • 36) Write the use of insets in border layout .
 • 37) Difference between grid layout and grid bag layout . 
• 38) Difference between AWT and string
. • 39) Features of Swing. 
• 40) name some swing component classes. 
• 41) what are two types of container in swing
. • 42) what is top level container pane.
 • 43)which method is used for making a frame visible. 
• 44) which method is used for making a frame invisible. 
• 45) How to create container object. 
• 46) how to create swing component in J applet.
 • 47) what are the constructor and methods of imagelcon
. • 48) what are the constructor and methods of J scroll pen, J tree, J table, J progress bar, J slider, J text field, J text area, J combo box ,J button, • J check box, J radio button.
 • 49) what are four types of button in swing. 
• 50) what is the procedure to create tabbed pane. 
• 51)what is J tooltip,. What’s its function.
 • 52) what is MVC architecture explain. 
• 53) How rows are inserted in table.
 • 54)state the use of J tree in swing . 
• 55) list different packages used to implement J tree program.
 • 56) how row are inserted in table. 
• 57)how to add J table two J panel.
 • 58)what is delegation event model. 
• 59) what are event classes state its constructor and method. 
• 60) what are class keyword state it’s constructor and method. 
• 61) what are class mouse event state its constructor and method
 • 62) what are class text event .state its constructor and method.
 • 63) what are class window event state its constructor and method. 
• 64) name some event sources. 
• 65) tell function and description of event listener interfaces. 
• 66)methods of interface key listener. 
• 67)methods of interface mouse listener and window listener. 
• 68) what is adapter class.
 • 69) what is socket . 
• 70)what is proxy server. 
• 71)name some reserved classes. 
• 72) what is Internet addressing. •
 73) what are the types of network classes. 
• 74) what is factory method explain (their four). 
• 75) what are classes for socket programming. 
• 76 )what are constructor and method of socket class.
 • 77) what are the steps to create client application. 
• 78) what are the constructor of server socket class. 
• 79) what are the steps to create server program. 
• 80) what are the constructor and method of URL classes. 
• 81) what are the constructor and methods of datagram bracet.
 • 82) difference between TCP and UDP.
 • 83) what are the steps to interact with database. 
• 84) what is JDBC features. 
• 85)what is JDB architecture explain. 
• 86) two types of JDBC architecture explain.
 • 87)what is servlet. 
• 88) advantage of servlet. 
• 89) lifecycle of servlet. 
• 90) full form of (mime) and use. 
• 91)How to create simple servlet steps. 
• 92 )what are methods of cookie class.
 • 93 )what are methods of HTTP class. 
• 94 )what are the method of HTTP session event. 
• 95 )Difference between do get () and do post(). 
• 96) what are the two types of cookies. 
• 97) how to create cookie. 
• 98) lifecycle of HTTP session. 
• 99) how to create session (methods). 
• 100) What is JSP? (Features).
 • 101) Explain JP model architecture.
I am Vishal Chavare , I'm a coder, animater. I'm extremely fond of anything related to education, animation & coding. I aim to reach my creative goals one step at a time I believe everyth…

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