Software Development Process Unit 1 imp notes

Software Development Process Unit 1 imp notes,characteristics Software Engineering ,Types of software , Generic Process framework Activities ,Umbrell
  📄📄NOTES ON 📄📄


Software Development Process

Software Engineering
characteristics  Software Engineering
 Software Engineering A Layered Technology 
Types of software
 Generic Process framework Activities
    - Communication

                                     - Planning
                                     - Modeling
                                    - Construction
                                     - Deployment
Umbrella Activities
Process Framework
Generic Process Framework Activities
Umbrella Activities
1. Software project tracking and control
2. Formal technical reviews
3. Software quality assurance 
4. Software configuration management

      -  Document preparation and production
      -  Reusability management
      -  Measurement
      -  Risk management

 Waterfall Model 
V- Model 
 Fig : V-Model
When to use V-Model?
Incremental Process Model 
 Software Engineering | Incremental process model
 - When to use this 
 - Advantages
 - Disadvantages
Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model 
RAD model
- Communication
- Planning
- Modeling
- Business modeling
-   Data modeling
-   Process modeling
 Evolutionary Process Models : Prototyping
Spiral Model  
Agile Software Development
Agile software development values
Agile features
Extreme Programming
Selection criteria for software process model :
 Table Selections on the Basis of the Project Type and Associated Risks
 Software development process question bank
Achievement of Unit  
I am Vishal Chavare , I'm a coder, animater. I'm extremely fond of anything related to education, animation & coding. I aim to reach my creative goals one step at a time I believe everyth…


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