Fundamental of data Communication And Computer Network Chapter one Imp Notes

Fundamental of data Communication And Computer Network Imp Notes,Msbte DCC chapter 1 notes,Fundamental of data Communication And Computer Network Imp
       📘📘Imp Notes On📘📘

📂📂 Data communication And Computer Network  📂📂

💥Unit One 

Fundamental of data CommunicationAnd Computer Network


  • Importance of Subject
  • Applications of Subject
  •  Course Outcomes
  • List of Reference Books
  • List of Learning Resources
  • Unit wise Weightage of Marks
  • Practical List, Microporjects and PDF
  • Fundamental of data Communication
  • Introduction to data communication
  • Characteristics of Data Communication system
  • Components of Data Communication System
  • Composite signals and transmission medium
  • Bandwidth of the signal
  • Frequency Spectrum
  • Digital Signals
  • Transmission of Digital Signals
  • Baseband Transmission
  • Broadband
  • Modes of Communication
  • Simplex Communication
  • Half Duplex
  • Full Duplex
  • Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Conversion
  • Digital to Analog Conversion
  • Types of Digital to Analog Conversion
  • Amplitude Shifting Keying
  • Bandwidth of ASK
  • Merits and Demerits of ASK
  • frequency Shifting Keying
  • Bandwidth
  • Merits and Demerits of FSK
  • Applications
  • Bandwidth of PSK
  • Phase Shifting Keying
  • Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK)
  • Phase Shifting Keying
  • Merits and Demerits of PSK
  • Application of PSK
  • Analog to Digital Conversion
  • Pulse Code Modulation
  • P C M Transmitter
  • PCM Receiver
  • PCM Advantages
  • PCM Disadvantages
  • PCM Applications
  • Other A to D Conversion systems
  • Fundamentals of Computer Network
  • Computer Network
  • Need of Computer Network
  • Components of Computer Network
  • Benefits of Computer Network
  • Disadvantages of Computer Network
  • Network Services
  • Computer Network Criteria
  • Computer Network Criteria
  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Recovery
  • Consistency
  • Network Scale
  • Local Area Network
  • Characteristics of LAN
  • Advantages of LAN
  • Ethernet
  • Metropolitan Area Network
  • Metropolitan Area Network
  • Advantages Of Wide Area Network
  • Personal Area Network
  • Personal Area Network
  • Campus Area Network
  • Difference Between LAN,MAN & WAN
  • Network Architecture
  • Peer-To-Peer network
  • Advantages of Peer to Peer Networks
  • Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Networks
  • Client –Server Network
  • Advantages Of Client/Server Network
  • Disadvantages Of Client/Server Network
  • Applications Of Client/Server Network
  • Types of Servers
  • Comparison between Client / Server
  • Question Bank
I am Vishal Chavare , I'm a coder, animater. I'm extremely fond of anything related to education, animation & coding. I aim to reach my creative goals one step at a time I believe everyth…

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